Category: Promotions

Spring Special, FREE SETUP!

That's right everyone, we're running an awesome Spring 2024 special!!  100% free activation!!  The only thing you pay is a pro-rated first months service fee and THAT'S IT!.  We have simplified down our plans and they are A LOT faster than before.  Starlink and every other provider in the Greater Hill Country area can not even come CLOSE to the upload speeds we're getting on our plan, UP TO 100 MBPS! for less than $100 a month!  Just click the sign up now button below to get started!

NO MONTHLY Cost Streaming OTA TV

We are selling really awesome STREAMING OTA TV packages for $447 installed with a 12 month warranty. This includes everything pictured in the antenna kit, which includes a motorized mount and a special box we've put together for this kit that you screw the antenna co-ax kit into allowing you to stream the TV across all your devices in your house. Co-ax goes in 1 port, ethernet into your router on the other and BOOM, live streaming TV. Add any USB storage device to enable the DVR functions.
This kit is capable of 40 - 60 channels depending on weather conditions and of course, if the stations are having issues or not. But for the most part these are really solid systems. And its a 1 time fee, and that's it, No monthly costs what so ever, unless you want to sign up for a maintenance plan to keep the antenna covered against weather damage as well with free swap outs in case of getting hit by lightning.


If your interested, just text into our main number any time at 512-790-2250 or email with streaming live TV offer in the subject line and we'll get on on the install calendar right away!  If your ready to purchase right away and want to install it yourself just click the Buy Now button and fill out the form and will get it delivered to you.

Need a Math Tutor?

So, its part of our mission, not only to provide the best and most reasonably cost internet, but we also promote local freelancers and have a BIG dedication to education.  It is our mission to “fuse” our community together as well thru things just like this.

One of our subscribers, Angie Price is a mathematics tutor with over 34 years experience she says and she is now helping students grade 6 – 12 with their math.  We have her listed in our freelancers sections of our website, but you can call or text her at 512-920-2824 if your interested in hiring her.


Winter 2021 Special Offer!

We knew the day would eventually come when we got enough subscribers that would could start being competitive with the Co-Ax cable modem providers in Burnet.  Well that day is finally here.  As we do from time to time, we ordered up a spectrum cable internet modem internet service from Spectrum of course just to check out their pricing as well as their over all network quality.  Well, this holiday season we're going to make that happen!

Remember everyone, co-ax cable modem service is OLD OUTDATED NON-DIGITAL INTERNET THAT'S WHY IT NEEDS A MODEM!

The very last circuit we ordered not more then 4 weeks ago we were charged a $250 activation fee just to get service and the top upload speed they had was 30 mbps upload.  Well, Hyper Fusion's top upload speed is 100 Mbps.  If your working from home, use VPN, like to watch your cameras remotely, or doing work from home, upstream speed is CRITICAL.  With that in mind for the rest of December, if you sign up, you can pay just $247 for your activation fee to reserve your installation appointment and get $53 off our normal activation price of $300.  So yes, folks, we are $3 cheaper than Spectrum or most common cable providers!!

We are offering 2 specials for December for our New Subscribers;

A. $53 off our normal $300 activation at the time of installation appointment booking.


B. If you have a qualifying fixed point wireless circuit from a competitor you'll receive a $100 credit towards your 2 months service bill if we're able to re-use the circuit lines. ( Qualifying competitors include Zee-Con Wireless ( Burnet Market ), 281 Communications ( Burnet Market ), Home Smart ( Burnet Market ), Rise Broadband ( Burnet Market ), Roll Call Internet ( Kempner Market ), Olive IP ( Kempner Market ), SOS Communications ( Williamson Market ), Hearland Wireless ( Williamson Market ), and Western Broadband ( Kempner Market ).

To Sign up for new service simply visit  to get signed up today!


Signup With Chase And Get Free Money!

I almost never do this, but in this case I thought it was warrented.  Chase Bank in Cedar Park is just flat out awesome everyone.  The folks there are super nice and that just have really solid policies.  I've managed to work a special link out of them for our website visitors, such that, if you open a new checking or savings account online using the link below that says "Open Banking Account" or the QR Code you'll get $225 from Chase bank after 3 months as long as you have $500 or more in direct deposits!  Make sure you read all the terms, and when you go into the bank, tell them you heard about Chase from Hyper Fusion.  How could you go wrong with FREE MONEY?!?!  Any how folks, make sure when you go into the bank you tell them you saw an ad for Chase Bank on the Hyper Fusion website!


The Status Quo

Hyper Fusion has been providing internet to Burnet, Llano, Williamson, and Lampasas Counties for nearly 4 years and something has become quite clear. All the other internet providers in the area simply cannot deliver on the speeds they have promised. Hyper Fusion’s mission is and always has been to do what is right by our community. This means Hyper Fusion will always provide the high speeds we say we can provide, while not overcharging our customers. With that in mind, Hyper Fusion is proud to announce this Special Offer below:

Special Offer

If you have a qualifying fixed point wireless circuit through any of the other providers in Burnet, Lampasas, Llano, or Williamson Counties WE WILL BUY YOUR RADIO FOR $300!!  This will cover the Hyper Fusion activation fee and therefore make your install 100% free!!   All our engineer has to do is factory reset the device, and then re-link it to Hyper Fusion’s vastly superior network.  Hyper Fusion is the only rural internet provider in our class to provide live streaming and on demand TV, Movies, Music, Audio Books, and NOW CLASSIC NES, SNES, N64, AND SEGA STREAMING GAMING!!!  These are all things NONE of the other providers can do.

Tired of outages with the other guy? Did you lose internet during Winter Storm URI?  You’ve tried the rest, now go with the best, and feel secure knowing that you will get the high speeds and reliable service that you deserve.  Just click the sign-up now to get started!

Fall Update

Kempner Fusion Fiber


As we gear up for fall, we have been working hard on the Kempner Fiber project. The sign up for fiber to the home service is now open! Just visit  to get started.
We also have our Briggs repeater, Equirina Big Tower, and 7 Creeks projects that we will be completing soon, along with completing the deployment of the HyperNet. Hyper Fusion is tying all the towers together with multiple fiber backbones so that our downtime decreases and customers “up time” increases exponentially.

Radio Buy Back Special

There are a couple WISP providers in the area that sell you your radio.  If you have one that is compatible with our system we will buy your radio from you and it will come off of the setup fee. Please email or call our sales engineer to see if your pre existing connection qualifies for the rebate.

While we love healthy competition here at Hyper Fusion, we do encourage all of our customers past, present, and future to please read the fine print and the terms of service of ANY provider that they are considering.

New Cassie Repeater Site Activated!

We have now activated our Cassie repeater site folks!  We have super strong service to the site and all of our plans on our internet page are available.  We know the wait has been along time, but we aim to be the strongest rural provider in the Highland Lakes area.  We are forging a new path of solid service!  We have several live subscribers already in the area and everyone capable of 100 Mbps plus download and upload speeds.  We are the FASTEST internet now in Cassie!

What is the Hyper Fusion difference?

Hyper Fusion’s mission has always been to provide affordable, broadband speeds without the hidden fees. 1 bill, 1 rate, no extra fees.  Don’t be fooled, in the summer of 2017, it was HYPER  FUSION who brought actual broadband speed internet to Lampasas and Burnet counties FIRST. Before Hyper Fusion, our rural communities were ignored. Four years in now, our mission is well under way, and we will continue to shake things up. Hyper Fusion is here for the community.  We boast the ONLY multi-honed multiple upstream peer network in the greater Highland Lakes area, the only provider who owns their own IP’s, and as of just last week, the ONLY one to truly have an FCC registered frequency licensee and owned spectrum.  We know this because in order to get one, the coordinator notifys all other registrants in the area, and there are none.  Notta one.

Hyper Vision Cloud TV Update

Nearly 50 alpha testers now are happily streaming TV and movies!! THE FULL BETA RELEASE IS COMING SOON!!!! STAY TUNED!!!!  The Android app is complete, tested, and solid. The Playstation and Xbox apps still have some bugs, but the Nintendo Switch app is the most stable of all our players. We are going to be picking up the pace here over to get all the final pieces coded for the channel selection interface and the iOS app.

The video logo rider that precedes our live TV service content is ready and our public beta release of our streaming service is coming out for Christmas time this year folks!

Burnet Fiber To The Home & Business Launches!

That’s right folks, we have now finally completed our Burnet Fiber Gateway & DMARC.  We have access to more then a dozen 10 Gig / 100 Gig Fiber lines, so WAY MORE than the entire city will ever use.  We are hoping to fiber connect every building in town just as fast as we can.  To get started, we are launching our Fiber To The Home & Business in the area listed below first.  The first 10 residential or business customers to sign up will be installed before Christmas!!  However, to get one of these coveted spots, you must select a 2 year agreement and remit all your construction surcharges to get installed.

Remember folks, this is hardline fiber directly connected to our upstream fiber provider who maintains almost an exclusively Texas wide network across all major cities.  All fiber plans come with a 99.9% uptime SLA guarantee.

CLICK HERE to sign up and get all the details.


DON’T GET FOOLED by other providers claiming to have fiber when they don’t, they are just reselling AT & T.  Unless your provider has a Right of Way Permit issued by the city ( which are public records by the way ), it’s NOT their fiber.  If your provider recently dug their own fiber, they will have photos like the phones listed below.  We are the ONLY provider in the hill country to deliver our OWN Fiber to the Home & Business.  We don’t just slap our sticker over AT & T’s and call it our own.  We pull our permits, provide the necessary proof of technical knowledge, and obtain our permits to operate in the right of ways and are in tight communication with all the other utility companies that also reside in those right of ways.  Something the other guys, CLEARLY don’t do.  We’ve also posted pictures of one of our fiber to the home installations, as you can see, we’re digging our own privately owned fiber here people.  This is born in the Greater Highland Lakes area, and made just for the citizens of the Greater Highland Lakes Area.

Next up for Fusion Fiber is installation of our Briggs Fiber DMARC and Wireless Repeater Site.  Then who knows where we will go!

Little Known Hyper Fusion Extra’s

HyperNET 4G Mobile Services

Did you know that Hyper Fusion offers more than just home and business fixed internet services?  Well, we do, most folks just don’t realize we also offer not, just nationwide 4G LTE mobile service, but it also works internationally.  Our HyperNET Mobile SIM cards will also go in 4G wifi modems as well for a great backup internet option.  All of our staff use a Dual SIM ASUS Zenfone 5q with one of our HyperNET SIM’s and an AT & T SIM as a back up, since there are some valleys some are in, and some that are not.  But with this combination, our staff members ALWAYS have data and voice, and SMS just about where ever they are at in Burnet and Lampasas counties.  We’ve also heard that Sprint works pretty good as a 2nd SIM as well.


CLICK HERE to view prices and sign up.  Existing fixed point wireless customers quality for only a $5 SIM card activation if you bring your own unlocked (and in most cases most phones will work with our SIM cards, except Verizon phones just won’t work), otherwise, we do have Dual SIM phones, that come pre-activated with HyperNET service and the activation included at no extra charge if you buy a device from us.  The Dual SIM devices are great, because it allows you (except for verizon  customers at this time, though we’re working with Verizon to strike a deal to allow our SIM cards.  IN ADDITION connect to their towers as well, giving us the power to hit 2 competing carriers resulting in MUCH more stable service)  to keep your existing mobile phone service without re-configuring, to try out our HyperNET service side by side in a device that holds 2 SIM cards, basically works like 2 lines. So you don’t have to cancel your current mobile service with a Dual SIM phone.

We are currently working on getting 2 of the partner 4G network carriers that we work with to place their access points on all our tower systems to guarantee ridiculous 100 Mbps + speeds all across our home service zone.  There are lots of areas, just outside the larger cities, but not more than 10 miles out, where speeds hit this no problem because no one uses this network really yet.  Most average speed test getting 60 Mbps.

Local Small Business Advertising On Our Sign Up Page

This is a new program we started.  We decided now that our website gets more traffic than either Rise Broadband or Grande Communications, we’ve decided to help out our local small business owners by setting up some banner ads for select local small businesses that we want to help promote.  If your interested in getting some advertisements on our sign up page, where we get THOUSANDS of visits every day and you’ll get strategically targeted advertising from visitors who (95% of which) only live in the area.  Simply email  to get more information from one of our sales staff today!

Hyper Fusion Public Forums

We have started a public message board forum, free for all to join, and will be posting more and more internet tips and tricks, wifi administration tutorials, how to get your fixed point wireless circuit optimized, and much, much, more.  We also have hidden dedicate customer message boards that our customers can get access to for information and help just for active customers.  You can visit our forums @   You must open a new portal support ticket if you’d like access to the dedicated customer message boards.

Buy Back Promotion

Hey everyone, in light of the competition focusing their time and energy on other pursuits we have decided to offer to step in and take care of any of their customers who have been adversely affected by this lack of attention and the recent extended outage. For a limited time Hyper Fusion is now offering to buy any qualifying radio that was purchased from our competitor for $250!! That’s right, we will give you a value of TWICE what your radio is worth and get you installed on our network. This $250 value includes your setup fee for your account and activation of your Hyper Fusion internet service. In addition, you will no longer have to worry about what your going to do if your radio dies. At Hyper Fusion we own and manage all of the radios on our service, so if yours goes out we will replace it at no cost to you. All you have to pay is your first month service at the time of installation and that’s it. Hyper Fusion is doing its part to provide TRUE broadband internet starting at $65 / month.  ( Qualifying connections are limited to fixed point wireless connections installed with in the last 24 months and with in Lampasas or Burnet County )

Hyper Fusion Grows Into Kingsland

Kingsland Texas internet from Hyper Fusion is finally arrived!  That’s right Kingsland.  Now you too get to enjoy the incrediably fast speeds of our pure digital network and enjoy the HyperNET for yourself!  Our internet packages start at $65 / month for 25 Mbps.  And unlike the other guys, all our customers enjoy plan minimums, not plan maximums.  That means typically our connections will run faster than advertised, but never slower.  No contracts, no slowing your speed after a certain amount of usage, just internet, the way it should be, simple, and affordable.  We are proudly locally owned and operated.  So Kingsland, we know your hurting, so as a special, we’re offering Kingsland residents $100 off our normal activation for the rest of January 2019.

AmpliFi Gaming Routers with nVidia Built In Are Out!

Hey everyone we’re happy to announce a new product we’re supporting.  Built by the same manufacture of our outstandingly hyper fast radio gear, using the same mesh system our 5G wireless network uses, and built for gaming.  It’s the AmpliFi Gamer’s Edition Router.

Get the Lowest Latency

The AmpliFi HD Gamer’s Edition is equipped with a GeForce NOW QoS mode, developed by Ubiquiti with NVIDIA’s support to quickly adjust networks for optimal game streaming performance. The QoS implementation offers gamers a simple solution for detecting latency or frame loss issues, resulting in a top-quality experience when other traffic is present on the network.

Only $447.00 INSTALLED! No Monthly fee’s, you own it!

Please create a new support ticket if your an existing customer or if your a not a customer, please email  if you’d like to buy one of these awesome routers.  Even if your not an internet customer, we’re happy to help your current provider run better and be more optimized for you.